Archive For: General

A new day to post

A new day to post

Sometimes learning all of the tools available is one of the biggest challenges of all. The beauty of life is, often our drive to learn tells us what we enjoy the most – and most things travel keeps me coming back for more. Look for more soon here….

Starting off….

Sometimes the best thing to do is just stop thinking about it and start…. cause this has sure been thought about long enough. As time has gone by, I have started this a hundred different ways, with a myriad of different topics – and in the end, if I don’t start, it doesn’t matter… and offers and deals come and go. I’ve pitched in some tips and ideas here and there in the comments on other blogs, and even wound up writing a post or two for other bloggers, which has taught me that the topics and ideas that I’ve had have an audience – and in some cases, it’s been a good sized one. So after more toe dipping that a tentative two year old at a cold swimming pool for the first time, let’s launch this ship and see where it sails!

Or as St. Augustine once wrote, “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”  It’s time to start writing my book and sharing some of the experiences and opportunities that have and will come up along the way – I know I’ve loved reading what others have already shared!